Friday, September 14, 2007

Big Rigs review

Maybe you've heard of the game. X-Play featured it in their "Games You Should Never Buy" segment, and GameSpot also, did a piece on the game. Take almost any review of Big Rigs on the web, and you will find that the reviewer would like to meet the president of Steller Stone, cut off his limb, open up his chest, take out his intestines, and hang him up by his own entrails. I however, consider it one of the most entertaining games in history. At first, the game just seems buggy, however you soon realize that this game is not even beta quality- this game is pre-alpha quality.You can drive up sheer cliffs, go through all buildings (and bridges), go outside the map, and go 3000 mph backwards. In short, don't play this like a game, play it like a sandbox. Just fool around. I assure you, it is fucking hilarious.
