Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Demonagoge creation story
And then it dawned upon him that he should create someone to control the others, a manipulator. Alas he failed in this too, for the manipulator was corrupt with power. So he tried again, and failed. So he made two manipulators; one of life, and one of death. The manipulator of death 'marked' the people he choose and sealed their fate; what they would do, and when they would die. The manipulator of Life could play with them like puppets, as long as that didn't go outside of their ' mark'. They could not harm each other. This failed too, for the manipulator of death was corrupt and the manipulator of life was weak.
So, in his wisdom he held a battle royal of sorts; 100,000 participants, demons, fighting for the position of Satan and Natas, the two manipulators. The two were to watch over the human race. Despite their efforts, other corrupt demons spoiled the humans. Satan begged "Life, don't kill us; we can save this race yet, by starting over, just us three." "But life said "No, you have served your time. We shall make humans the next wave of demons, the second war shall be more successful than the first, and they shall be fighting for Demonagoge.
Demonagoge part one by fish111
Thursday, November 29, 2007
List of Game Concepts
BLADE (Now renamed Farming Armageddon)
A series of sci-fi FPS games centered on war. The games in in-universe chronological order are: War of the Masters, World War III, Civil War. The first deals with an alien threat known as the Masters, and their various genetically modified servants. The second game is about WWIII. The third game involves a Civil War between the BLADE colonies. As you can see, all three titles are somewhat self-explanatory.
Gods Among Us
In this game, there is a god for everything. You play as one of these gods- the God of Kinetics, specifically. One god is trying to use his powers to take over the world. Naturally, it's your job to beat his ass into the pavement.
Let's Play Dancing!
A video game-themed DDR clone. Will feature songs and characters from any series we can license. Once you beat all he song on Very Hard, You can select which dancer to use for each song.
Mach Racing
An F-Zero clone with Mario Kart-style deathmatch and a track editor. Also includes weapons. Each vehicle has a special trick. For example, one can strafe. Another can recharge health very slowly.
"Operation Infiltration"
You're a merc hired by some shady corperation to get intel they need. You get this intel from complexes owned by the target corporations. Sometimes, they may require you to destroy or otherwise sabotoge things owned by the enemy corps. You can sneak your way in, blast your way through with stunts and speed, or blow the place to hell. Expect resistance.
"Operation Mindfuck"
An RPG codenamed for its plot style. Will include many plot twists. Will use an expanded version of the engine for the latest Elder Scrolls game, or whatever engine Crytek's using.
Paradox Mansion
You are trapped in a living mansion, where all temporal laws have gone to hell. Actually, that may be where you are, considering the things you've seen. Doorways no longer lead to the same place they did a few minutes ago. Objects form into golems. Even gravity doesn't apply here. Oh well... at least there are some people here who are willing to help you.
Tei Tenga
What DOOM was supposed to be. The game was originally a lot more complex, but John Carmack turned down that concept. However, this version of DOOM may still see the light of day. Read the DOOM Bible here.
Fuck Utopia!
Alternatative title: What's So Good About Utopias?
The game takes place in a perfect world, where there are no poor people, the economy is stable, the government is completely uncorrupted, and everybody is happy. Except for you. The PC doesn't get what people see in utopias. What's so good about a perfect world? What's wrong with mindless chaos? Let's do something about it!
You have no goal except to turn the city into rubble. There are no story missions, and you get your weapons off of the corpses of your enemies. On that note, take only what you can handle- the cops will send bigger guns after you the more attention you get, and thus the opportunity for bigger loot.
The game will have completely destroyable terrain and objects, which will repair itself over time due to some Applied Phlebotinum- only for you to destroy it again.
Ideas are welcome.
Friday, November 2, 2007
The primary fire will let things go out of the shield, but not in. The alt-fire does the reverse.
There are many tactical uses for the SiGL. For example, it can be used to render an enemy helpless via the alt-fire, or it can serve as a shield for an ally. You can also use this to temporarily block a path as well.
Please note that SiGL grenades will bounce off of existing shields.
Express your own tactics in the comments.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Weapons for World War III (BLADE)
Coilgun Targeter- Does just what it says on the tin. The gun does function as an assult rifle, but its real power is the alt-fire, which puts an infrared target for the overhead Cruiser to open fire with its coilgun. It takes about half a second to aim, fires, then takes about half a minute to reload and recharge the coils.
Minirocket Launcher- A minirocket is basically a powerful grenade with wings. These were developed to make Rockets more accessible to infantry. Also, the size of the ammo allows for six minirockets to be stored at once.
Allows for fire-and-forget and LASER-seeking modes.
Springsword- A katana that has its blade contracted when not in use via matter compression techniques. Named for the kinetic force made when the sword is 'unsheathed'. Because of this, many people put the sword to an object and spring it for massive force.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Items for Mach Racing
*x= X RO are fired
Heat-Seeking Rocket- (HS) Same as RO, but homes, (accuracy depends on heat, so it would be more accurate in a cold track) goes faster, and does more damage
*x= X HS are fired
Scrambler- (SC) Does 1 of these effects to nearest opponent: reverses controls, (35%) causes static to appear on screen for a while (like blooper in MKDS), (20%) fires all items in stock, (5%), stats such as health, items, and speed on HUD dissapear for a while (30%)
*x= None, if you have a SC, you can not get another until you have lost the first
Shield Shed- (SS) Lose shield, causes shock wave, damage equal to power of shield upon use
*2= 1/4 of shield remains
*3= ½ of shield remains
*4= Shield remains
*5+= Shield goes to max
Teleport- (TP) Switches places with random racer
*2= 75% chance you will advance in place
*3, *4= 100% chance you will advance in place
*5+= Switch places with racer in 1st place
Mine- (MI) Lays a moderate damaging but easily avoidable mine behind you
*x= lays x mines in a horizontal line behind you
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Random Ideas
Thursday, October 11, 2007
BLADE Politics & Government
Colonies are usually located in orbit above planets, in cave networks, or are huge starships known as Cruisers. The latter is a bit risky since they are often dependant upon other colonies and other cities for food & supplies. However, their mobility allows them to go to places where they are needed. Cruisers are usually dedicated to exploration, scientific, military, and medical purposes.
One of BLADE's main principles is the population limit. Each colony is limited to a population of about 1500. This limit may be increased or decreased depending on the wellbeing of the colony. The purpose of this is so that every body knows each other, and get along well. This defeats the purpose for laws, so they are hardly ever made, if at all. If things things get really bad, people may be forced to leave. People will continue to do so until all is right again. Fortunately, this has happened much. Unfortunately however, the people that were forced to leave in one such situation formed their own colony and militia, and procedded to attack their original colony. Other colonies helped to defeat the attackers, but others deciede that if they could do it , why couldn't we? And they did, beginning the BLADE Civil War. *Sigh* Tough times... tough times...
Sunday, October 7, 2007
"Power Struggle" FPS gametype
Later, it might look like this.
And at the end, it would look like this, at which the blue team could get the ball through the goal.
Of course, the path would be more convulted, with hiding spots, and other stuff.
B: ball
G: goal
=: path
The darkly colored =s are spaces the opposing team can not go into, no matter what. These areas would probably be spawn points, to keep down the spawn camping.
Come to think of it, this is a bit like the Bombing Run mode of Unreal Tournament, but one goal consists of an entire round.
Monday, October 1, 2007
BLADE Data Rescource Management
All of BLADE's rescources are put into .pak files. (.zip renamed, or whatever compression method suits the game best.) Textures are stored in textures.pak, models are stored in models.pak, etc.
The BLADE editor will allow you to compile your map into an install file. (.bri [Blade Rescource Installer]) Executing the installer will ask you for BLADE's file directory. Once you supply this, the installer will add the mod's files into their respective .paks, and add a .brl (BLADE Rescource Library) file. This file simply lists the location of the maps needed for the mod, which in turn list the location for the textures and other things needed for the map.
To uninstall a mod, you can do this from inside the game, or by executing a program in the BLADE directory. (Uninstalling the mod from within the game will also activate this program). Uninstalling a game will only remove the files needed for that mod that are not requested by any other mods. Since a lot of mods will be using the base models and other things, you'd damn well better not delete them!
Friday, September 14, 2007
Big Rigs review